Unable to access PBIX file of challenges showcases!

Hi Team,

I am unable to access pbix files for challenge showcases which is a very valuable resource. For example, when I click on below link, I am unable to see pbix file. I remember previously we could access these file.


Please check again. I just logged in and was able to download the PBIX file you had circled in your post. It is a bit touchy though. If you click on the persons name, it will take you to the writeup post, but if you click on the “Download PBIX file here” link, it works fine.


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Hi @hafizsultan, did the response provided by @JarrettM help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!

Hi @JarrettM,

Thanks for checking this out for me. It is quite strange as I was unable to access it from my personal computer. However, I am not able to access from other system. So, it might be due to firewall etc. issue at my end.

Thanks again for checking. Cheers!

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