Has anyone else lost UK date formatting (dd/mm/yy) within Power BI desktop?
This seemed to appear about a month ago and I had hoped it was an issue with January’s update but is also occurring after I updated to February’s release.
I have checked / double checked and triple checked my locale settings within control panel and within Power BI and both are set to English UK
What’s really weird is that if I open an existing report dates appear in the required format of dd/mm/yy but if I add another date I cannot select this format. On further investigation if I change the format of the date that is already in the report from dd/mm/yy to one of the available (US types) then I am unable to change it back to the desired format.
I have been through query editor and checked locale in there as well and also opened reports on a second machine and get the same problem
Has anyone any idea what’s going on?