Two Data Labels in Deneb Value and Percentage

Hi DNA Enterprise,

It is possible to have two data labels in deneb, like the actual value and percentage value, in donut chart,

This is should look like

sample deneb visual,(CTTO)

“data”: {
“values”: [
“Medium”: “Direct Mail”,
“Advertising Share”: 3.2,
“Medium-Type”: “Hard Copy”
“Medium”: “Posters”,
“Advertising Share”: 3.4,
“Medium-Type”: “Hard Copy”
{“Medium”: “Press”, “Advertising Share”: 5.4, “Medium-Type”: “Hard Copy”},
“Medium”: “Television”,
“Advertising Share”: 69.8,
“Medium-Type”: “Digital”
{“Medium”: “Cinema”, “Advertising Share”: 0.7, “Medium-Type”: “Digital”},
{“Medium”: “Radio”, “Advertising Share”: 2.1, “Medium-Type”: “Radio”},
“Medium”: “Internet”,
“Advertising Share”: 15.4,
“Medium-Type”: “Digital”
“transform”: [
“joinaggregate”: [
{“op”: “sum”, “field”: “Advertising Share”, “as”: “calc”}
“groupby”: [“Medium-Type”]
“width”: “500”,
“height”: “500”,
“padding”: {“top”: 5, “right”: 0, “bottom”: 5, “left”: 0},
“layer”: [
“mark”: {
“type”: “arc”,
“outerRadius”: {“expr”: "(height * 0.5 ) "},
“innerRadius”: {“expr”: "(height * 0.3 ) "},
“stroke”: “black”,
“cornerRadius”: 5,
“padAngle”: 0.04
“mark”: {
“type”: “text”,
“fontSize”: 20,
“fontWeight”: “bold”,
“radius”: {“expr”: “(height * 0.55)”}
“encoding”: {
“text”: {“field”: “calc”, “type”: “quantitative”},
“theta”: {“field”: “calc”, “type”: “quantitative”},
“color”: {“value”: “black”}
“encoding”: {
“theta”: {
“field”: “calc”,
“type”: “quantitative”,
“stack”: “normalize”
“order”: {
“field”: “calc”,
“type”: “quantitative”,
“aggregate”: “sum”,
“sort”: “descending”
“color”: {
“legend”: {
“title”: “Medium (%)”,
“legendY”: -10,
“orient”: “right”,
“symbolSize”: 450,
“labelFontSize”: 25,
“titleFontSize”: 30
“field”: “Medium-Type”,
“type”: “nominal”,
“sort”: {“field”: “calc”, “order”: “descending”}
“opacity”: {“value”: 0.9}
“view”: {“stroke”: null}

Thanks admin

Hi @sgrady:

There are 2 methods for creating a multi-line text label in Deneb that spring to mind: using a linebreak character or using an array.

In both cases you’ll need to add some more transforms.

Here’s an example of a transform block using a linebreak character:

  "transform": [
      "aggregate": [
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "Advertising Share",
          "as": "calc"
      "groupby": ["Medium-Type"]
      "joinaggregate": [
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "calc",
          "as": "_calc2"
      "calculate": "datum['calc'] / datum['_calc2']",
      "as": "_calc_percent"
      "calculate": "datum['calc'] + '|' + format( datum['_calc_percent'], '0.1%' )",
      "as": "_multiline_label_via_linebreak"

(You’ll also need to then add a linebreak key:value pair to the “text” mark:

      "mark": {
        "type": "text",
        "align": "right",
        "fontSize": 20,
        "fontWeight": "bold",
        "radius": { "expr": "(height * 0.60)" },
        "lineBreak": "|"


Here’s an example of a transform block using an array:

  "transform": [
      "aggregate": [
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "Advertising Share",
          "as": "calc"
      "groupby": ["Medium-Type"]
      "joinaggregate": [
          "op": "sum",
          "field": "calc",
          "as": "_calc2"
      "calculate": "datum['calc'] / datum['_calc2']",
      "as": "_calc_percent"
      "calculate": "[datum['calc'], format( datum['_calc_percent'], '0.3%' )]",
      "as": "_multiline_label_via_array"

Hope it helps.
eDNA Forum - Deneb - 2 Data Labels.pbix (1.5 MB)

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Thanks Greg!

Will definitely try this one!

Again thank you so much!