Tuning Power query performance

I have quite a large data set and some complex queries. About a week ago it all started to slowly unravel.

When looking in DAX studio the size of my data is 1GB (and it is increasing at 1% per day!!)
The data set is no longer refreshing it is timing out in the power bi service
The data sources are SQL / Power BI data flows / DAX

Is there a guide to follow to try and reduce the query time?
A list of best practices?
Any diagnostics?
The first query I am looking at tackling takes an hour + to get data from a dataflow


Hi @ells,

Imke Feldmann has a collection of tips on how to improve performance of your M-queries.

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there is a couple of good options in there. Table.Buffer may help me as well as I have a couple of merges I use to restrict the fact tables.


How complex is that merge?
Could you achieve the same creating filters based on List functions?

The Merge is on Geography
My Sales table has a country code
My Country table has a Country code

I only need the sales data if ‘Sales’[Country] exists in ‘Country’.[Country]

I also created a single table that just has the country codes I am interested in.

53 countries in all


Hi @ells,

Okay see if this performs better than the Merge
In the Sales table query (in the advanced editor) create a new variable, something like:
ListCountries = List.Buffer(Country[Country])

Next create a filter step in Sales through the UI and change the M code in the formula bar to:
Table.SelectRows(#“You Prev Step Name”, each (List.Contains(ListCountries ,[Country])=true ))

I hope this is helpful.

Thanks this has been very succesfull when testing

is it possible to filte the list

ListCountries = List.Buffer(Country[Country] , [Country] = ‘GB’) ??

Many Thanks

Hi @ells,

Sure but if you only need to pass a limited number of fixed items why not create a list that only contains those values?

ListCountries = List.Buffer( List.Select( Country[Country] , each _ = “GB” ))

is equal to:

ListCountries = {“GB”}


With the selection what I am looking at is limiting my Buidget query to the last two years

in ‘Dim Calendar’ query I have a [Fiscal Year Offset] which is 0 for current year, -1 for previous year
in ‘Dim Calendar’ I have a column [skey_date] - surrogate key for the date
in ‘Fact Budget’ I have column [skey_date]

so what I am looking for i
ListDates - a list of the skey_date for cuurrent year and previous year
ListDate = List.Buffer( #‘Dim Calendar’[skey_date] )
However I need to add a filter to that so that it is only where [Fiscal Year Offset] is 0 or 1

Many Many Thanks

Hi @ells,

Alright. Thanks for that.
Paste this into a new blank query and give it a name like: ListDates

    Source = #"Dim Calendar"[[skey_date], [Fiscal Year Offset]],
    SelectDates = List.Buffer( Table.SelectRows(Source, each ([Fiscal Year Offset] = -1 or [Fiscal Year Offset] = 0))[skey_date] )

Next for your Fact Budget table create this filter.

Table.SelectRows(#“You Prev Step Name”, each (List.Contains(ListDates ,[skey_date])=true ))

I hope this is helpful.
