I have quite a large data set and some complex queries. About a week ago it all started to slowly unravel.
When looking in DAX studio the size of my data is 1GB (and it is increasing at 1% per day!!)
The data set is no longer refreshing it is timing out in the power bi service
The data sources are SQL / Power BI data flows / DAX
Is there a guide to follow to try and reduce the query time?
A list of best practices?
Any diagnostics?
The first query I am looking at tackling takes an hour + to get data from a dataflow
Okay see if this performs better than the Merge
In the Sales table query (in the advanced editor) create a new variable, something like: ListCountries = List.Buffer(Country[Country])
Next create a filter step in Sales through the UI and change the M code in the formula bar to: Table.SelectRows(#âYou Prev Step Nameâ, each (List.Contains(ListCountries ,[Country])=true ))
With the selection what I am looking at is limiting my Buidget query to the last two years
in âDim Calendarâ query I have a [Fiscal Year Offset] which is 0 for current year, -1 for previous year
in âDim Calendarâ I have a column [skey_date] - surrogate key for the date
in âFact Budgetâ I have column [skey_date]
so what I am looking for i
ListDates - a list of the skey_date for cuurrent year and previous year
ListDate = List.Buffer( #âDim Calendarâ[skey_date] )
However I need to add a filter to that so that it is only where [Fiscal Year Offset] is 0 or 1
Alright. Thanks for that.
Paste this into a new blank query and give it a name like: ListDates
Source = #"Dim Calendar"[[skey_date], [Fiscal Year Offset]],
SelectDates = List.Buffer( Table.SelectRows(Source, each ([Fiscal Year Offset] = -1 or [Fiscal Year Offset] = 0))[skey_date] )
Next for your Fact Budget table create this filter.
Table.SelectRows(#âYou Prev Step Nameâ, each (List.Contains(ListDates ,[skey_date])=true ))