I know this is a very simple thing but after 2 days of trying everything to no avail, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong.
I have an AWARD table that contains a part number, Award Qty and Award Status (which is a measure - see below).
Award Status =
IF([Total Award Qty]= 0, “No Award”,
IF([POS Qty During Award Period] = 0,“RED ALERT!”,
IF([% of Award Complete to POS Qty] < [% of Award Complete to POS Days],“Under-performing”,“On Track”)))
I created an un-related table ‘AWARD DISPOSITION’, which stores the Award Status values:
Out of many other measures I tried, I thought this one would work, but it doesn’t:
Award Disposition =
VAR SelectedDisposition = selectedvalue(‘Award Disposition’[Award Disposition])
CALCULATE([Total Award Qty],
filter(PBI_Awards,[Award Status] = SelectedDisposition ))
The above Award Disposition measure returns blank. All I want is to have the slicer to filter my table based on the selected value. If I select ‘On Track’ from the slicer, then I need only those to display in my table.
I’ve created many of these un-related tables and used as filters before, but they always referred to a measure which calculates something, like TOTAL SALES. In this case, I just want it to filter based on the results of a measure which results in a TEXT field (On Track, Under-performing, RED ALERT!!, and No Award).
However, I’m not trying to change the visual based on several measures. I’m trying to filter the table based on only ONE measure. Your example uses SWITCH to switch between several different measures. I only have the ONE measure - AWARD STATUS.
I actually tried this, but realized that I’m not trying to switch between different measures, I’m only trying to filter based on what the AWARD STATUS is. Keep in mind that AWARD STATUS is a measure. It does not exist in a table so there is no relationship between my Award data table and the Award Disposition table.
I tried to upload my PBIX file, but it’s too big. I tried to compress it and even create a smaller version of it, but the file is still to large to upload.
The good news is that I was able to get a solution from another forum. This is the solution (kudos to mahoneypat):