So I am currently building a dashboard for a charity. The charity has multiple funding streams such as;
Funding Type
Grant Funding
Online Funding
Local Funding
Gifted Funding
Corporate Funding
Next to each funding type is the amount received and each funding type can appear multiple times.
There are about 10 funding streams in total.
I have written the following measure to calculate the total funding received;
Total Received =
SUMX(‘Funding Data’,‘Funding Data’[Value awarded])
Each funding stream will have it’s own separate report which will contain a card showing the total received for each funding stream and I have written separate measures for each funding stream below;
Grant Funding Received =
CALCULATE([Total Received],FILTER(‘Funding Data’,‘Funding Data’[Funding Stream] = “Grant Funding”))
Corporate Trust Funding Received =
CALCULATE([Total Received],FILTER(‘Funding Data’,‘Funding Data’[Funding Stream] = “Corporate Trust”))
I am basically copying and pasting each formula multiple times and changing the filter, this seems really basic and will leave me with a huge measures table.
Is there a more advanced, efficient way or tackling this?