Hi all
I am really confused what i am doing wrong using TREATAS.
So i have used TREATAS doing a budget on “regional level” of 6% of sales for 2015.
So i have copied the power bi table into excell - and have checked this number for “Jan-2015” add up well and is correct! happy days!!
The problem:
So my budget allocation per month and year - breakdown looks fine (Reconciled in Excel)
However when I use the dax to get a daily level I am confused as to why the number for daily level is not fixed. i.e. Jan-2015 £255,745 / 31 = £8,249.
I have attached the file.
Thank you so much as well for having a look!
In order to get budget as a daily amount I have followed the way Sam has done this in one of his learning summits.
May 2018 Learning Summit Demo.pbix (907.8 KB)
Here is the original file that Sam created in case you don’t have it. I think the issue with this not working is related to you not having an order date for every day of the year. I will continue to look into your PBIX.
Hi Jarrett.
I see what you mean.
So to give you the heads up -the data source was the “Order Supermarket” this has 58,000 rows. so could not uplod into forum. Hence why i had to take out a lot of data (in excel) to make file lighter.
So the dates might not be in order as of now but before they were - i had still had the daily issue.
Just lookin at the file now - “Budget Allocation for Jan 2015” was £44,994.
So i would still expect the daily dates to show £1,451 (44,994 / 31)