October 25, 2021, 10:51pm
I’m trying to use the method in the totals with advanced DAX logic, but it doesn’t seem to be working right.
Basically I just want a sum of the “mySum” variable.
RP UnitCost =
VAR mySum = IF(MIN(‘Bom Exploded’[Item Type]) = “R”,DIVIDE([Total Cost RP] , [Total RP Quantity] , 0) * SUM(‘Bom Exploded’[Quantity]) * ‘Item Value RP’[RP-W Item],DIVIDE([Total Cost RP] , [Total RP Quantity] , 0) )
VAR sumTotal = SUMMARIZE(‘Bom Exploded’, ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item], “newSum”, mySum)
return IF(HASONEVALUE(‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item]), SUMX(sumTotal,[newSum]) , mySum )
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Hello @MathewA , a gentle reminder on your PBIX File. This will help other users to find a solution to your inquiry.
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October 28, 2021, 5:40am
Have you tried your summarize in table view to look what exactly it doing .
if you provide your working pbix it will help us to find a solution for you.
Hi @MathewA ,
Regarding your RP UnitCost, I have several remarks.
First create your mySum variable in a measure.
Then, change your RP UnitCost with this code.
RP UnitCost =
VAR _vTable =
SUMMARIZE( ‘Bom Exploded’, ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ),
“@newSum ” , [mySum] )
IF( HASONEVALUE( ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ), [mySum], SUMX( _vTable, [@newSum ] ) )
This measure should work if there is in your result table only the column “RP Item”.
Hope it will help.
Best regards,
VAR _vTable =
SUMMARIZE( ‘Bom Exploded’, ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ),
“@newSum ” , [mySum] )
IF( HASONEVALUE( ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ), [mySum], SUMX( _vTable, [@newSum ] ) )
That did it, thanks so much.
Out of curiosity why did the addition of the addColumns make it work?
Hi @MathewA ,
Great news
In my solution, I’ve changed the measure with ADDCOLUMN, but I’ve also changed the IF statement after RETURN.
Honestly I don’t know… I always mix ADDCOLUMNS and SUMMARIZE when I want to create new columns.
Try to remove the ADDCOLUMN and put the new column in the SUMMARIZE to see if it’s still working
Best regards,