Totals not summing using advanced Dax example from video


I’m trying to use the method in the totals with advanced DAX logic, but it doesn’t seem to be working right.

Basically I just want a sum of the “mySum” variable.


RP UnitCost =
VAR mySum = IF(MIN(‘Bom Exploded’[Item Type]) = “R”,DIVIDE([Total Cost RP] , [Total RP Quantity] , 0) * SUM(‘Bom Exploded’[Quantity]) * ‘Item Value RP’[RP-W Item],DIVIDE([Total Cost RP] , [Total RP Quantity] , 0) )
VAR sumTotal = SUMMARIZE(‘Bom Exploded’, ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item], “newSum”, mySum)

return IF(HASONEVALUE(‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item]), SUMX(sumTotal,[newSum]) , mySum )

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Hello @MathewA, a gentle reminder on your PBIX File. This will help other users to find a solution to your inquiry.

In case we won’t see any activity from you in the coming days, we’ll be marking this post as solved.


Have you tried your summarize in table view to look what exactly it doing .
if you provide your working pbix it will help us to find a solution for you.


Hi @MathewA,

Regarding your RP UnitCost, I have several remarks.

First create your mySum variable in a measure.

Then, change your RP UnitCost with this code.

RP UnitCost =

VAR _vTable =
SUMMARIZE( ‘Bom Exploded’, ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ),
@newSum” , [mySum] )

IF( HASONEVALUE( ‘Bom Exploded’[RP Item] ), [mySum], SUMX( _vTable, [@newSum] ) )

This measure should work if there is in your result table only the column “RP Item”.

Hope it will help.

Best regards,


That did it, thanks so much.

Out of curiosity why did the addition of the addColumns make it work?

Hi @MathewA,

Great news :slight_smile:
In my solution, I’ve changed the measure with ADDCOLUMN, but I’ve also changed the IF statement after RETURN.

Honestly I don’t know… I always mix ADDCOLUMNS and SUMMARIZE when I want to create new columns.
Try to remove the ADDCOLUMN and put the new column in the SUMMARIZE to see if it’s still working :wink:

Best regards,