Looking for advice. Our organization has an E&O Reserve policy which means parts between the age of 37-48 months, we reserve 10% of the cost. 49 to 60 months age, we reserve 20%. Over 60 months age, we reserve 50%.
I can easily calculate the reserve total for the present date. I need advice on how to set up the report so I can project our change in reserve amounts for next month, or two months from now, or 6 months from now…based on not selling any of the parts currently in these buckets.
2 months from now, some parts are going to move from the 10% reserve bucket to the 20% reserve bucket. Some parts currently in the 20% reserve bucket will move to the 50% reserve bucket. I need to build a report where I can manually add 2,3,4 months of age, and see the change in reserve totals.