Total Values in Table when using annualised Income

I have created a debtors and accrued income days measure as per the below

Debtors Days (Net Overdue) = IFERROR(([Debt Net Overdue]/([Income LQ]*4))*365,0)
Accrued Inc Days = IFERROR(([Accrued Income]/([Income LQ]*4))*365,0)

Debt Net Overdue = CALCULATE([Debt Net],filter('Debt','Debt'[Days Overdue]>=0))
Accrued Income = 
VAR ACCY = CALCULATE(sum('Acc Y WIP'[Amount in local currency]),
                FILTER('Acc Y WIP',
                    ('Acc Y WIP'[G/L Account] = 418100) ||
                    ('Acc Y WIP'[G/L Account] = 418400) ||
                    ('Acc Y WIP'[G/L Account] = 418450)))

However since I changed the income calculation to be the annual value of the last quarter as per the below

Income LQ = //Last Quaters Income
    SUM ( 'P&L'[Actual in LC] ),
    DATESINPERIOD ( 'Date'[Date], MAX ( 'Date'[Date] ), -3, MONTH )) 

It will not show a total value in the table visualisation that I have set up in Powerbi. Could you advise how I could resolve this

Sorry for the delay on this.

It’s likely to not have been answered quickly I believe because it’s quite difficult to understand all the things that could be at play here without seeing an example model.

On first look here I can’t see this being a difficult fix. I would just need to see the model and how the formula actually is acting under certain filtering.

The problem could actually be the DATESINPERIOD function. The time window may not being working out correctly…I’m just making an observation here though as I’m unsure exactly without seeing a demo model to see behaviour more.
