I am trying to figure out Sales that came from new customers that enrolled and placed orders in a cycle . Once I have that, I can create measures to see the % of sales that come from the new customers vs total sales, Average spend, etc.
Hi @nipunadv, did the response provided by @Melissa help you solve your query? If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further? If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query. Thanks!
Thank you so much @Melissa! the formula worked but I think the numbers are not coming out right.
If I go to the table view of Customers table, and filter out EntryPeriodID 1011-1014 (2019-C6),
I get 26 NewCust, 2019-C06 Enrolled.xlsx (9.3 KB) which is correct and they are New Customers, enrolled in Cycle 2020-C6. Sales for the same cycle is correct as well.
I created another tab (Order Details), and move the slicer to 2019-C07 (To find the orders placed by new customers who enrolled previously), total sales there does not match the sales from measures.
To clarify, again, I went to the data table to find out the exact number of New Customers, enrolled in a Cycle, then I copied those IDs and searched for their orders in the same cycle, 2019-C6 matches Sales C+00 but Sales C+01 amount does not match the total Order Details, when I select 2019-C7 (Sales of New Customers enrolled in C6, and placed orders in C7.
One last question, since I am trying to get the Average spent, I could calculate the average, within the same formula above, instead of making bunch of Sales measures (Sales C+01, Sales C+02,…) and dividing from the number of customers ( Sales C+01/C+01), correct?