Top 5 / 20 /40 Sales

Sam wanted to know below screen shot ive done a Rank in the backend Data Model in Customer column, on “Total Sales” and have ranked them in order of highest value. Just wanted to know as I have ranked on Total Sales, how comes it automatically also knows which is my top 5 / 20 / 40 on Total profit and Cost, so i have not ranked on this?

Just logically trying to understand the process and if what I am showing is correct.


Can you add the file to this one for a quicker solution.

Finding it a bit difficult to understand everything at play here around the data model, DAX formula etc.


Hi Sam
See attachement. Pages 8,7,9 in pbix file.
Just wanted to confirm the Top 5, 20, 40, and Other is also correct for the measures for “total profit” “cost” “Sale %” .

EnterpriseDNA.ScenarioAnalysis.SaleGrouping.pbix (623.9 KB)

Yep looks all good to me.

Everything in here looks fine.


The only thing to note this isn’t dynamic as it’s been completed in a calculated column.

So you are looking at the ranking of these metrics from the beginning of time. (of your data)

There’s many benefits of doing it this way if that’s what you need. Simplifies things a lot.

I call this ‘building out’ your data model.

It’s a solid technique.

Hi Sam
I think I was querying more so the Grouping of Top 5, 20, 40 for profit, Cost and Sale %.
You see the data model has ranked on Total Sale only.
So im just logically thinking how has it already grouped on the other measures as well?
do you see what i mean?
Surely a rank on Total Sale is different to a rank on Total profit??

Because the ranking is completed in the customer table.

You are seeing the profit or the top5 customers by there sales as that’s what’s built into the table.

Really think about each result individually an imagine exactly what’s happening to the filters within tables