Tooltip on a table

Hey Folks,

I have a table visual in one of my reports and there was a requirement for a Tooltip for one of the columns. The Tooltip works great except it appears on every single field in my table (so v. annoying). Is there a way of restricting it so it only appears for a single/specific field in the table?


@DavieJoe Unfortunately, the tooltips work on a visual not on a particular column. However, you can place a blank button or card on top of other columns in tables you don’t want want the tooltips to show.



Hi @MudassirAli thank you for the prompt reply, I did think that might the case. I like your thinking on the blank button/card over the other columns, unfortunately we need to have the ability to select the other columns. I appreciate the out of the box thinking :grinning:


@DavieJoe Power BI is continuously evolving and making a lot of changes and I believe that we will have this option in the near future. I do the same thing in my reports, placing blank button/card to stop the tooltips from meddling in other columns’ affairs :smile:

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If the near future is Monday @MudassirAli then I would be over the moon :rofl: :new_moon_with_face:

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@DavieJoe I have managed to blank out the tooltip for the non-target columns, but I cannot seem to make that blank transparent (despite removing the background and wallpaper from the tooltip page, and making the toolitp card transparent with a conditional measure).

Perhaps the attached file will give you (or someone else on the forum) a push in the right direction.
Tooltip for specific column.pbix (23.2 KB)


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Hi @Heather this is awesome and a big thank you for taking the time to look into this and produce a PBIX file too, will check it out. I’ll try to apply it to the table/matrix visual that we are using. Our test users fed back that they need the tooltip to only work on the individual field/column as it became annoying/distracting as they need to be able to view the rows/data above and below etc. I hope that functionality will come in time as it would be super useful. Thank you very much again



I agree completely - it would be very useful to be able to do this without the work-around. And I’m glad you think this might help, I just wish I could have made the tooltip completely vanish if it was returning a blank.


The only option similar to tooltip that is currently available would be “Drill Through”, to where you could drill through to another page with the details you want. Great thing about this feature is that it can be a hidden page that you drill through to. Also on that page is an icon that you click on to go back to the current page you were on.
Here is an example of one of my drill through pages that shows the Icon:

Best example of this in a challenge was @Melissa entry to Challenge 5. Here is the link to that Challenge where you can download her PBIX and see how she sets it up.


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Hey @JarrettM great suggestion, we’ve used Drill Through a few times in the past and for this report it’s not a route we will look to go down. Trying to keep all the data on the one page as it’ll be used a lot and the users want to it as a quick reference, dealing with a lot of data so going into a Drill Through page in this instance and back won’t be an optimised UX. Will definitely check out the PBIX from @Melissa

Thanks again folks :+1:

I had another idea -perhaps you can move the tooltip into the header instead? and if you have highlighted the target column, perhaps a message in the title indicating that’s what is in the tooltip?


Tooltip for specific column.pbix (24.2 KB)

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