Hello Fellow Power BI Users -
We do see that we have a Date table created as Dimension table for continuous table that can be used for dax calculations and visualization but do we have with Time too ?
I have a Data column with time i.e. MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS , we should be able to use the Data dimension table with time part also, which means it shall be too many rows even for 2 years of date range. So please suggest how to go about.
If you need to have time as well, then what you’ll want to do it create another time that just has the time breakdown throughout the day.
You would then likely have this as a separate lookup table.
Do you have an example of where you need this?
If you want to show within day information like hours or minutes, then you’ll need to make sure this data is in you fact table as well. This way you can filter from the new time table down to the correct hour or minutes in your fact table.
You don’t want to add time to the date table, that’s the main thing here.
Thanks for the update Sam. Example - If we have tickets for each scheduled job and we get to know the status of the jobs run from the ticket. So hourly jobs, tickets showcase the status and we need to bring in insights from the ticket dump. the dashboard I am working on is hourly jobs trend on both success and failure. If Failure how many times within the day or in a week or in a month etc. So the job run date and time is a column in the ticket. So I shall spilt it and have a date dimension and another time dimension table created and then create relationship.
Sounds like you have the right idea, but it’s quite hard to imagine everything your describing.
I would just dive into it and see if it works and then see then if you are or aren’t getting what you need.