Text wrap in a slicer

I have a selection of defined questions that have been part of an assessment questionnaire. I would like to analyse the responses, by displaying the questions in a slicer, where I can visualize the responses. My dilemma is that some of the questions are quite lengthy and consume a lot of real estate if I display it all. Does anyone in the forum know of a slicer that does have a text wrap option in its configuration ?

Hello @Brad.V,

Thank you for posting your query onto the Forum.

Unfortunately neither slicer provided in Power BI nor any of custom the custom slicer has a kind of feature that you’re looking for. Well it was been recommended to have this type of feature under the “Chiclet Slicer” but still there hasn’t been any kind of significant development in it.

I also face the similar problems while working with the slicer since my Clients has to select the URLs to analyze the performance of Media campaigns.

My apologies but as of now there are no such kind of slicers available which helps us to combat this type of problem to the extent of my knowledge. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks & Warm Regards,


I agree with @Harsh that I don’t believe there’s anything currently available that will do what you need out of the box. However, I do think you could kludge PowerPoint and the Chiclet Slicer together to create the desired effect and functionality. Here’s how I would do it:

  1. Create a two column table in PowerPoint. First column will be blank, second column will display the text of your questions. Make sure the row height for each row is the same. Format it the way you want it to appear in your Power BI report

  2. export that page from PowerPoint in PNG format

  3. import the PNG file as your page background on the desired report page. Set the scaling option to “Fit”

  4. now in the chiclet slicer, create a vertical one column slicer with your question labels (Q1, Q2, etc. or Question 1, Question 2, etc.)

  5. resize the buttons to match the row height of your table and overlay the slicer on top of the first blank column of the table. Now you should have a functional slicer button next to each question in the table

Will require a bit of fiddling to get it to look right, but I think this should give you the desired effect when you publish the report.

Hopefully this is clear, but if not I can put together a mockup to show how it could be done.

I hope this is helpful.

  • Brian
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Hello @BrianJ,

“Really out of the box thinking” :+1: :slightly_smiling_face:

But I’ve a query that suppose there’s ain’t enough space in a report to have a slicer in a columnar form and I convert my slicer into a list then in that case still will it be possible to go with the format?

I would like to know your thoughts on this? And if it works out in this manner it would really, really be great to see since most of the time the reports which we create don’t have enough spaces in it to place a standing/columnar slicer.

Thanks & Warm Regards,


I think that would work, as long as the text in the second column of your PowerPoint table occupied only one line. That way you could set the font and font size of the table and the list slicer the same, and they should line up properly. However, if the text occupies more than one line, I think you’d have to go with chiclets equal to the max row height. However, if I remember correctly you can crank the size of the Chiclets down pretty small…

  • Brian

Hello @BrianJ,

Really thankful to you for the update. :slightly_smiling_face:

I will try to implement your idea in my report.

Thanks and Warm Regards,


Good luck. Please let me know how it turns out - would love to see a screenshot of what you ultimately implement.

  • Brian