Sync Target Values Between Filters

I need to sync filters in my report. I have a gauge visual with a fixed target value hardcoded into the table. I now want to take the hardcoded value and put it on a separate page where I can use Sync to alter the value of the target when necessary to do so. I have tried to make this work but not working as intended.

As seen in the image above, the first Gauge visual is created with a measure that is fixed for the target value. I want to create the same thing where the target value can be changed, using Sync but my measure is not working out well - Sync with Page 2.
I have attached a file
I value your help immensely.
Target Setting.pbix (963.5 KB)

The issue is in your slicer, you were using a slicer that was looking for numbers “Less than or Equal To”


Changing that to a Drop-Down option (and selecting 7), has provided a match to your original visual.


Note the added Page 3, you can do this without having the slicer on the page - just add the slicer to the filter pane, and hide it from your end-users

Target Setting - solution file.pbix (964.9 KB)

Thank you @Heather.

happy to help :slight_smile:

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