Switch Statement?

Have a chart here of job types, margins & tier. Wondering if best option is to create a Switch statement or some other form of DAX. Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks in advance.


With the information you’ve provided I’m struggling to understand what you actually need.

Can you provide far more information.

What are you actually looking to achieve??

I was trying to figure out a calculation that would apply the correct tier for each job type according to the margin range. After a bit of thinking I was able to figure it out. I first created measures for margin for each job type, then created measures that would apply the correct tier based on margin range. Here are examples of both measures:

STR Incentive Margin =
    FILTER ( Job_Mgmt_Report, Job_Mgmt_Report[IncentiveJobType] = "STR" )

STR Incentive Tier =
IF (
    [STR Incentive Margin] >= .49
        && [STR Incentive Margin] <= .51,
    IF (
        [STR Incentive Margin] > .51
            && [STR Incentive Margin] <= .53,
        IF (
            [STR Incentive Margin] > .53
                && [STR Incentive Margin] <= .55,
            IF (
                [STR Incentive Margin] > .55
                    && [STR Incentive Margin] <= .57,
                IF ( [STR Incentive Margin] > .57, 5, 0 )

Next time will try to give more information to make it easier for you to reply. Thanks again for your response!


Side note, see here for posting measures into forum - https://forum.enterprisedna.co/t/how-place-dax-formula-into-forum-topics-posts/156/2

Ok that’s great. Glad you got it done. Chrs