I would like to create a variance measure that can switch between “Budget-Actual” and “Actual-Budget” depending on the Revenue and Expenses categories respectively.
The measure should change according to the category values in the profit & loss matrix. I don’t want to use any Revenue/Expenses slicer (filter button).
I hope you can help me team.
Profit & Loss.pbix (1.6 MB)
Think this Dax works
Variance BU AC CalcCol =
([Total Actual] - [Total Budget])
If it doesn’t you may need to just play/fiddle with the dax by mulitplying by +1 or -1 depending on the line you displaying.
So add
*If(MAX(‘Chart of Account V2’[STDC 0])=“Revenue”,-1,1).
This may help
Thank you so much for that detailed answer @BINavPete
We hope this helped you @Rodrigo_Palomino
If not, how far did you get and what kind of help you need further?
If yes, kindly mark as solution the answer that solved your query.
Thanks Pete.
I’m about to post a new challenge related with this solution…