Survey Dashboard


Is there any survey template dashboard built-in Power BI? I want to get some ideas to start with.



If you want to use a template, there seem to be a decent number available on the PowerBi Data Stories Gallery

Or, if you are just looking for some recommendations - I can offer a glimpse of an analysis that I have done for my office. This page breakdown customer responses to a survey regarding our website functions. I have measures to count number of responses, calculate the average response (assigning number values to Text Responses like Excellent, Good, Average, Poor, Very Poor)

This page is used for my free text analysis - the user can filter to the specific question, and see if the text was positive (based on certain keywords), negative (again, using keywords) or neutral. The word cloud is a nice visual for our management and sales groups to see what words are being used most.
The only ‘scoring’ done here is to count the sentiment text (how many positive or negative words appear)


Thank you @Heather for the great recommendation and description on your dashboard.

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