Summing specific Columns from table and dynamic renaming new added column

Hi, Need help to solve Column summing.

  1. Table has multiple columns.
  2. I need to add specific columns (as per the 2nd table) and give them a new name.
  3. looking for a dynamic option.

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Hello @TS1

Here is a dynamic solution, it doesn’t matter if you have missing or additional fields:

  1. Mark Name column and select on the Transform tab Unpivot Columns > Unpivot Other Columns
  2. Mark the Attribute column and select on the Transform tab Extract > First Characters and input 1 as you need only the first character
  3. Right mouse click the Attribute column and selct Transform > UPPERCASE
  4. Mark the Attribute column and select on the Transform tab Pivot Column and as Values Column select the Value column



Hi @Mathias … Thanks a lot…its working.

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