Stacked column chart colors for many products

I’ve made a mock data PBI file to illustrate my issue:

Mock Data PBI.pbix (1.2 MB)

I have a stacked column chart with many products:

it isn’t useful until a brand is selected. In this chart I have selected a brand and then manually changed the colors:

So it looks nice but if i don’t manually change the colors some brands look like this:

But with hundreds of products I don’t want to manually change the colors for each single product.

Is there a way of getting the stacked column chart to stick with the color theme that I currently have?

I found the guy in a cube video of creating a custom legend with color formulas but i’m not sure this is what I’m looking for



Hi @Timmay

An option is use Drill-down technique please read the following article.

hi jbressan,

I had a look at the drill down article. Can you please explain how this can be used to solve my issue?


I’m just wondering if you could group the sku and then use grouping heading in your graph

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Thanks for the suggestion Keith. Brands are sku groupings. For example:

Brand 1 contains the SKU

Brand 2 contains the SKU



ok…just a thought

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I found something on Youtube that might help

I’m not sure if you noticed this one?

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Ah, I haven’t seen that one.

Great thanks I’ll check it out.

This is a great video thanks Keith but unfortunately doesn’t solve my issue, I would still need to set all the colours individually for each product

i don’t see anything else that i can see. You may not have any other choices without setting up at the beginning but you will then have it completed. Sometimes in projects you have to do the manual work to get the results latter in the project. :slight_smile:

Another option is post the question directly on the Microsoft power bi community

Hi @Timmay

This is a sample of Informal Hierarchy to handled the Drill-Down navigation of the bar chart.
This hierarchy is compose at first level with the time period, at second level the product category and SKU for the last level

Mock Data PBI.pbix (1.2 MB)

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