SSAS cubes in Power Bi

Hi Fellow Power BI Users -

I have a cube made in SASS as a source for Power Bi. When I try to get data from the cube in Power BI, it blocks the query editor and it doesnt allow me to add more data sources. Is there a way to solve this? Should I load the data that I need from the cube first in SQL server through SSIS and then get in in Power BI? or is there a direct way to do this?

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Are you using Direct Query? If so then yes this isn’t enabled.

Yes with SSAS cubes also the idea is that you do the editing and modelling of the data before it reaches Power BI, so you don’t have all the functionality with the desktop version.

On the most recent release of Power BI desktop they have brought in a new concept called Composite Models

Check out this link for what this means.

The best way to use all the functionality within Power BI is to import the data.

Is you data big?

If so finding ways to optimize it is crucial so that your file size isn’t huge.

This particular course goes into a lot of these techniques, especially the query editor section

See how you go reviewing these.

You can also connect directly with sql server or the raw data source in most cases. Can you do this?

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Hey pls any suggestion or best solution of using power Bi with cube.
How best can I connect to cube using power Bi?

please can i get assistant with the above topic.Am yet to get any reply .


I believe you aren’t getting any replies to your inquiry as the posting has a solution as the original posting was made in aug 2018. I would recommend that you start a new posting.


Thanks so much @Keith, I’m still new here trying to figure my way around.
pls how do I start a new topic??
Thanks in advance

Hi @Egbejiogu,

There is image at the bottom left hand corner. if you put your mouse over that it will state new topic.

you will not see this in this window, it will be at the main screen.

I hope this helps.

I hope this help.

Thanks so much @Keith I figured it out :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

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