First of all, thank you so much for creating such an awesome course. I wanted to advance my M language skills and this course is perfect for anyone who wants to improve M skills. One thing that I have noticed is that some videos are missing from course material which are available in youtube. I noticed this because @Melissa was mentioning these in the course. I think these are super helpful videos, so please try to incorporate these in the course as well. Examples are below(Holiday date table & offsets) :
Kind Regards,
Ok thanks. I’ll follow up regarding these
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Hi @hafizsultan we’ve reviewed the videos and they’re both showing in the portal. You may check these links
Using The Extended Date Table - OFFSETS in Power BI - https://forum.enterprisedna.co/t/using-the-extended-date-table-offsets-in-power-bi/8065
How To Create A Holiday Table In Power BI - https://forum.enterprisedna.co/t/how-to-create-a-holiday-table-in-power-bi-time-intelligence-in-power-bie/8061
To easily find a video on the portal, you may do a quick search of the video title in the forum and it will show you the link where to access them.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you so much for a swift response. I thought these videos might be in Power Query Series course and that is why I couldn’t find there. I have found now in other course which you mentioned. Thanks again!
Kind Regards,