Showing all months before a selected date

Hi all,

I’m trying to create a visual which I thought would be pretty straight forward but I’m unsure if I’m missing something obvious.

I have a Date table, and a Period selection slicer where the user will chose a month e.g. April 2024.

I then have a bar chart which shows actuals by month.

I want to only show the Actuals from January 2024 - April 2024, however if I enable interactions between the period slicer and the visual, it of course only shows me one bar for April 2024.

If I disable the interaction, it will show me data up to the current month (e.g. August) however I only want to see data up to the selected Period.

I have tried creating measures to calculate the actuals based on a max date, filtering the date table, creating a secondary date table but I am having no luck at getting the results I need.

With the measures, the calculation is returned at row level so the max date just ends up being the maximum date of every month in the year and doesn’t reference the selected period at all.

Any help on this would be hugely appreciated! Thanks

Hi @Clolawra,

Have you tried using DataMentor/EDNA AI tools built within the Enterprise DNA learning portal?

Please give DataMentor a try to help you solve the problem!!!
DataMentor is a powerful tool :slight_smile:


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Thanks Keith, I have found a solution by following this video:

Happy days :slight_smile:

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Hi @Clolawra - Great you found the solution. Do Mark this post as Solved.

Ankit J