Show Benchmark Product Mix next to each Customer Product Mix

Hello -

I’d like to have the overall benchmark product side side with the Product per customer. I have attached an example of this. The larger matrix table represents the product mix for each customer. I would like the benmark mix percentages in the next column in this table to match the benchmark percentages in the second smaller matrix table. Currently, the benchmark in larger table is returning the same percentages as the product mix for each customer. Is there a way to remove that customer context and show the benchmark percentage? Thank you in advance.

Customer Product Mix vs Overall Benchmark.pbix (111.6 KB)

@korbina ,

Give this a go:

%ProductMix benchmark = 
        [Total Sales ALLEXCEPT ProdID],
        [Total Sales All Products]
    REMOVEFILTERS( Customers[Customer ID] )

I hope this is helpful. Full solution file attached.

Brain -

You are God sent. Thanks mate, this worked perfectly. Appreciate the quick response as well…Cheers

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@korbina ,

Thanks! - glad to hear this worked well for you.

  • Brian