Scatter Chart Range between to YoY % on the X Axis

EDNA Forum

I hope this email finds you all well.

Looking for a way to only show YoY Sales YTD % within a certain range on the X Axis

Per this example,

Range between -1000K% and 1000K %.

In the scatter chart, I don’t want to see YoY Sale YTD % left of -1000K % and no more than 1000% on the right side

Thank you in advance for your time

Screen Shot attached

Hi @ambidextrousmentally,

A simple solution would be to wrap your measure in an IF statement to blank out all values outside of the desired range.

Scatter chart value =
        [myMeasure] >= -100 && [myMeasure] <= 100,

I hope this is helpful.


I believe you have only two choices:

  1. create a new version of your YOY measure which shows a blank for anything outside of your desired range
  2. filter the visual (by clicking on the visual and then going to the filter pane) to not include values outside of your range


Per your solution, how can I modify the measure to show the % sign? I received an error - red line when I tried to put the % sign in the measure.
Scatter chart value =
[myMeasure] >= -100 && [myMeasure] <= 100,

Your second option worked for me. My YoY Sales YTD % measure is in %, so to get 25% for example, I have to use the decimal form .25. The results on the X Axis showed a range of (25%) - 25%.

Melissa/ Heather
Much appreciate your help!

Thank you

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Hi @ambidextrousmentally,

Showing a measure as percentace is just a format you apply to the numeric value
In your logical test you don’t have to account for that because 1 = 100%