Scatter Chart highlight markers and legends based on Slicer selection. Current default interaction is only Filter

Hello everyone, I am Salil. Thanks to all of you for providing a huge inspiration everyday.

Here is what I am trying to solve.

  1. When any choices from Slicer are selected it “Filters” out Markers and Legends in Scatter Chart. I am trying to “Highlight” selected Markers and Legends, the non-selected “Markers and Legends” should become faint or gray.
  2. I tried to follow Power BI Challenge 11 - Covid 19 Reporting from Alex - #2 by alexbadiu
    by @alexbadiu

Test File Scatter Test.pbix is attached

Scatter Test.pbix (25.4 KB)

Hello @Salil. Welcome to the forum! :slight_smile:

Kindly make sure to remove the welcome note prior to posting. I deleted it for your post above.

Bumping this post for more visibility to other users and experts.

@Salil ,

Please take a look at the following video, which I think should help you solve this one.

If I understand the requirement correctly, you should be able to dynamically set the scatterplot point color using conditional formatting based on whether an ISFILTERED() condition on the relevant field
it is true or false.

I hope this is helpful.

– Brian

Thanks for your help @BrianJ!

Hope the above suggestion answers your query @Salil. If so, kindly tag the post as “solution” to close the thread.
