Sales Incentive achieved calculation

I have an Annual Sales Goal for Bob of $100.00. We will pay him a bonus each month based on his attainment of that goal. His total bonus he can achieve is $10.

In Jan, he sold $20. He has achieved 20% of his sales goal so I will pay him 20% of his total bonus. $10(total bonus) * 20%(achieved) = $2. My measure looks like this:

Incentive Earned = [Total Bonus] * DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Sales Goal], 0 )

How do I get it to stop calculating once the “DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Sales Goal], 0 )” goes over 100%?

Protect you calculation with some logic in an IF statement

   VAR WhoKnows = DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Sales Goal], 0 )

    IF( WhoKnows >1, "do something", "your calculation")


You could set up a ceiling measure like this one:

Pct Achieved =
IF (
    DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Sales Goal], 0 ) >= 1,
    DIVIDE ( [Total Sales], [Sales Goal], 0 )
  • Brian
1 Like

Thank you both.

With a slight modification, @Melissa’s suggested DAX becomes useful in a wide variety of situations:

IF( WhoKnows >1, “do something”, " ¯\__(ツ)_/¯ ")

  • Brian

It’s quite obvious I have no idea what to do, so it’s “do something” for me. :crazy_face:
…and that do something is coming to this website and posting my “whoknows”.