Row header color

Hi @Sam,
is there any way to change the color of row headers in a matrix based on the value?
Thanks for suggestions

ColorMatrixRowHeader.pbix (71.7 KB)


I might have found a solution.
The matrices seem cannot it, but tables do, so I’ve faked using some measures.
Not perfect, but it will pass the UAT! :slight_smile:

Any suggestion is still very welcome!



ColorMatrixRowHeader.pbix (72.2 KB)

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You have probably found the best solution for now - I was unable to find a way to do this with the matrix table. I have looked at a few of the custom visuals, but not found any that seem to do the trick.

Best alternative I can think of would be the Charticulator visual - but I don’t have the time right now to dig into this further.


Hi @Heather,
thanks for you post. Actually Charticulator seems to be the answer to all stock visuals limitations, but I’ve never had time to go beyond the basics of this promising tool.

