RLS not getting applied for Contributor

Hi All,

I see something strange in power bi service.

We have a user whos access on the workspace is mentioned as Contributor. but when the user login to see the reports, the RLS wont get applied and user seeing all the data irrespective of security.

Please can some help if this is a bug or its meant to behave the same !? please can i get some help.


I think you really need to look to share more information to get some real help on these types of issues.

Adding images and more details about the specific scenario would assist quicker in getting a good resolution.

At the moment I’m just reading that you have an issue but don’t really have any idea where to start to help.

Apologies. Will share screenshot soon.


Please find below screenshot of workspace access and report.

Expectation is, if a user has got a particular country access through AD, he should be seeing only that country data.

If the user has no Country associated in AD then no data should appear for the user.

Tested this behaviour with viewer and member access. it works as expected but, when changed the access of the user as Contributor, he is seeing all the available data in the model.

Please let me know if this info helps in understanding my concern. Thanks in advance

Hi Sam,

Below is the response i got from microsoft community.
Please can you share your thoughts. Thank you

Okay I had a read through of the answer from the Power BI forum and I’m not sure if there’s a huge amount more I can add.

It seems like a unique requirement, what you have.I think the best bet is to review the Microsoft documentation in depth and work from there.

Personally I haven’t attempted this or had much to do with a scenario like this, so at the present time not a large amount of value I can add to your query.



I saw this MS video (link below for your reference) and thought of your topic. It goes into RLS around the 36th minute mark and explains why MS doesn’t apply/enforce RLS to any user with Write permission.

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This is awesome. Thanks for the link. i can convince my management now. thanks for that
