I am trying to apply RLS and I have found out that I can no longer set it up on the online service. I get the message that the “RLS has moved to Power BI Desktop”. Was there any documentation as to how to this will work moving forward?
This is interesting. I haven’t seen any documentation myself.
I do believe though that it honestly is better to complete this in Power BI desktop anyway.
Is there any issues with doing this yourself? There most likely is a valid reason for Power BI team to do this. My guess is that more advanced functionality it easier to create in desktop than in the online service…that’s my guess anyway.
I also think that it makes sense as it was a long-winded process to complete one half in desktop and the other online. However, I am struggling to find any documentation as to how to complete this. I dont seem to find it on the desktop at all.
There’s this documentation here
And also this video from Enterprise DNA Online.
Have you gone through these ones? or do you need something else?
Thank you. They are very useful. I will got through them.