Reusing the same prompt in ChatGPT API calls

Hello all,

I have a set of 50000 survey answers, including some freetext columns, for example “Suggestion to Management”. Some entries are short but others are paragraphs long. I use chatgpt API to get the sentiment and summary for each.

For each API call I use the same long prompt, to ensure the input is processed appropriately and the output is in a standard format. So, the same long prompt is repeated for each of the 50000 entries.

Is there a way to re-use the prompt without sending it each time, to minimize tokens and resource usage?


Are you starting to come up with my ideas here please have a look and see if this helps in your scenario

You can ask Data mentor many things and in this case I didn’t actually select anything in the tools Advisor, as we don’t have a chat GPT option at the moment. But if you leave it blank it just goes on queries the open AI API straight and can give you a solid answer under this particular tool