I’ve built a report in Power BI Desktop that has lots of dropdowns, filters, cards, charts, etc. In the Web Service, if I pin the whole report to a new dashboard, everything seems to work except for the “clear all filters” bookmark. Is there a workaround for this scenario? Also, is there a way to set an alert on a specific card value for this scenario?
buttons and filters/slicers don’t work on dashboards
from Microsoft Docs:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-bi/create-reports/service-dashboards .
and some notes from the MS community forum:
Thanks Heather, that was helpful!
Would sharing a few cards and charts from a report by way of a dashboard automatically give the user access to the entire report? Is the design of the dashboard limited to the placing and moving around of the tiles?
yes and yes - one use of a dashboard is to provide some key KPIs that your user can click on and go to the entire report.
Dashboard design is (for this reason) limited in scope- you can place and resize tiles, adjust the color scheme and combine elements from different reports.
a lot of business users think of entire PowerBi reports as dashboards - and don’t even realize how different a PowerBi dashboard is from a PowerBi report.
Personally, I don’t use dashboards much - focusing instead on reports that look like what a business user might think of as a dashboard.