I am trying to find the number of customers who have purchased more than once. I don’t need to look at who purchased more than one product, unless that is the only way to do it. I will include my anonymized data.
I’ve also watched Sam’s video and when I run the DAX it just gives me a column of 1s.
ECOMM Dashboard - Copy.pbix (1.6 MB)
So what I’m wanting to show is a percentage of customers who have bought one item vs those who have bought multiple items.
Hi @michael.gyure,
Give this a go.
Multiple Purchases 2 =
VAR t =
VALUES( 'Ecommerce Items'[Buying Company ERP] ),
"@Count", CALCULATE( COUNTROWS( 'Ecommerce Items' ))
), [@Count] >1
SUMX( t, [@Count] )
I hope this is helpful
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Awesome! It worked great! So just so I can understand the DAX logic is it looking at the column rows and working out at each row the ERP and how many times that customer has purchased?
Hi @michael.gyure,
Created a virtual table with your IDs and yes added a column to that with the number of occurances.
Glad this worked well for you.