I need a solution for remove interaction with slicer for specific column in matrix table.
I have a table with 5 columns from that 2 columns, I am using measure to bring data into the table. and this table has 3 rows based on last 3 years.
Column 1 : Cancelled Orders . here i am using count rows to find no of orders cancelled. Totally I have 4 types of cancelled order status, cancelled before dispatch, during transit, etc
= CALCULATE(COUNTROWS(Ordertable,ordertable[status] in {“canceleld before dispatch” , “cancelled during transit”…,} removefilters(ordertable[status])
I have a slicer Order status when i select any status only this specific column should not interact and other column values should be as per the slicer selection.
I tried using ALL, ALLEXCEPT, REMOVE FILTERS, but I am getting correct values only if I select all status if I select any specific values its interacting with slicer.