OK, we’re all set for our live solution event for Power BI Accelerator Week #2. While the feedback we got for the Week #1 live session was very positive, we’re striving to make this event even more interactive, so we will be holding it on Zoom, rather than Restream. This will allow us all to talk face-to-face instead of just interacting via chat.
Hope to see you there! (but if your schedule and/or time zone doesn’t allow, we will be recording this session and placing it in the portal for you to view at your convenience).
One of our members mentioned to me this morning that he was having trouble with the registration link for this event. I tested it again and it works fine for me, but if you are having problems with the link, please send a message to rebecca.walker@enterprisedna.co and cc: me at brian.julius@enterprisedna.co and @EnterpriseDNA team will work promptly to make sure you get registered.
Even if you didn’t have a chance to finish (or even start) the Accelerator Week #2 problem, I would encourage you to attend this session. I think we’ve prepared a useful general primer and approach to addressing data modeling issues and building a strong model that will support your analyses, simplify your DAX, and increase both refresh and visual performance.
We will be using the Week #2 problem as an example, and while I think working through the problem in advance will be useful, it is not at all necessary to getting value out of the session.
Yes, recordings of all of the prior solution events, as well as the original problems sets, solution PBIX files and copies of the slides from the solution lecture are available on the portal under Power BI Accelerator mini-series: