Refresh failing Gateway or datasource failing

I or rtahter the company has been having a few problems with the gateway. I think there have been some issues on the server where the gateway was installed.

The problem I am now having is when pushing my report into the dev service or into my workspace it will not refresh. There error message is a little uninformative

We get a something went wrong message.
When I go into the settings for the data set it shows the gateway. In red it says Gateway or data source not reacahable.
There are two data sources listed
PowerBI (Extension"“extensionDataSourceKind”:“PowerBI”.“extensionDataSourcePath”:“PowerBI”}
Drop down list that says Maps to and PowerBI is selected
Simialr for the SQL connection.

If I go to Gataway Clusters I can see ‘PowerBI’ listed as a data source along with my various SQL connections etc. However the data source type is blank and there is a warning against this data source.

Do I need to delete this from the gateway ?
Why does my data set insist on connecting to this connection?
How do I see the sources in the data set in desktop?


So. I had thought I had fixed this.
Deleted the data set from the service.
Published the data set to the service.
Went to the settings for the data set
Gateway connection mapped the SQL connection.
Did not map the Power BI
For Power BI I signed in with my credentials and set privacy to organisational.

It seemed to take a bit longer before it failed on refresh.
Microsoft.Data.Mashup.MashupSecurityException.Reasonj: Privacy settings

Still stuck

From what I can read this looks like it is down to privacy settings on the service fro the data source.

For the SQL connection I am using there is a data source (all in CAPITALS) with privacy settings organizational. There is also a data source (same but in lower case) and this has a privacy setting of none.

There are merges in Power query that use the lower case SQL data source and Power BI (which is set to privacy organizational)

Going to refresh in Power BI desktop.
Then going to publish and see if using a disfferent source will help


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so its gettinge weird now. I thought the issue was different privacy settings.

Last night changed the data set to use hard coded Instance and database names in the queries rather than parameters.

Then went to the gateway manager and changed the data source in the service * and made sure these were set to Organisational.

Refresh failed
I have noticed there are several data sources within the Gateway with the same name but different settings. Sometimes these appear in differewnt case.

When I look at settings for the report under Gateway connection there are two data sources included in the dataset
Data Source PBI which dopes not map to anything
SQL Server{“server”: “Prod01”,“database”:“sales”} that maps to: ‘ProdInstance;SALES’

I take it “server”: “Prod01”,“database”:“sales” is what is found in the dataset.
I take it ‘ProdInstance;SALES’ is the data source in the gareway.

Last night I refreshed the data in the data set using desktop without any issue so dont see there is an issue there it is just in the service and it is driving me mad.

When I map to the data source ProdInstance;SALES this uses organisational perivacy level
The Power BI connection uses Organisational privacy settings

Not sure why this is not working now.

Had to rename the data sources online. Then finally I can start a refresh only for it to tuime out :frowning: