Hello Fellow Power BI Users -
I´m trying to do an Future prediction.
the structure could be: Calendar ( date,year,month,etc…) Fact ( date , sell )
I have one parameter to choose the growth % estimate.
My fact table have: (only this 3 months for example)
Jan → 100k
Feb → 120k
Mar → 130k
After setting an 10% Rate i should calculate apr,may,etc…
so, should be:
Jan → 100k
Feb → 120k
Mar → 130k
Apr → 130k * (1 + 10 / 100 )
May-> 143k * (1 + 10 / 100 )
Jun → 157,3k * (1 + 10 / 100 ) so on…
i have an article about recursive calculations (http://blog.gbrueckl.at/2015/04/recursive-calculations-powerpivot-dax/)
but couldn´t reproduce this…
can you help me?
Best Regards!