Recursive calculations in DAX

Hello Fellow Power BI Users -

I´m trying to do an Future prediction.
the structure could be: Calendar ( date,year,month,etc…) Fact ( date , sell )

I have one parameter to choose the growth % estimate.

My fact table have: (only this 3 months for example)
Jan → 100k
Feb → 120k
Mar → 130k

After setting an 10% Rate i should calculate apr,may,etc…
so, should be:
Jan → 100k
Feb → 120k
Mar → 130k
Apr → 130k * (1 + 10 / 100 )
May-> 143k * (1 + 10 / 100 )
Jun → 157,3k * (1 + 10 / 100 ) so on…

i have an article about recursive calculations (
but couldn´t reproduce this…
can you help me?

Best Regards!

Is it possible to add you model here, I’ve looked through the example link added and they explain it about the same as I would, so all I can think is that’s it’s you model that is causing confusion.

I would have to see it and test it a bit to really be helpful I think.
