Hello EDNA Community,
I am seeking your help in letting me understand how I can fix Receivables Value by Age measure in the attached sample BI report. I will highly appreciate your assistance in this regard. Here are some points to be noted:
- Selected Date equals MAX(Date Table [Date]) (set to style before)
- I have these dates in my model (Sales Table) - Invoice Date, Due Date, Payment Date. Goal is to calculate AR aging based on the selected Date. Thus, if the payment date is > Selected Date, then the aging needs to be done.
- Aging Days measure is working correctly - refer table in the overview tab.
- I have separately created the Age Table which is a supporting Table not connected to the model.
- I also have Receivables value by age measure which is using the Age Table and the Aging Days measure
Issue: - The moment I pull Age Category and Receivables value by Age into a table, everything gets lumped into 1-30 Days category. There seems to be a disconnect b/w aging days and age table but I can’t happen to figure out why is that happening. I have tried multiple ways to resolve but to no avail.
AR Template.pbix (382.1 KB)
Once again, thank you for looking into this for me. I look forward to your brilliant response!
Cheers and have a wonderful day!