Receivables value by age group

Hello EDNA Community,

I am seeking your help in letting me understand how I can fix Receivables Value by Age measure in the attached sample BI report. I will highly appreciate your assistance in this regard. Here are some points to be noted:

  1. Selected Date equals MAX(Date Table [Date]) (set to style before)
  2. I have these dates in my model (Sales Table) - Invoice Date, Due Date, Payment Date. Goal is to calculate AR aging based on the selected Date. Thus, if the payment date is > Selected Date, then the aging needs to be done.
  3. Aging Days measure is working correctly - refer table in the overview tab.
  4. I have separately created the Age Table which is a supporting Table not connected to the model.
  5. I also have Receivables value by age measure which is using the Age Table and the Aging Days measure
    Issue: - The moment I pull Age Category and Receivables value by Age into a table, everything gets lumped into 1-30 Days category. There seems to be a disconnect b/w aging days and age table but I can’t happen to figure out why is that happening. I have tried multiple ways to resolve but to no avail.
    AR Template.pbix (382.1 KB)

Once again, thank you for looking into this for me. I look forward to your brilliant response!

Cheers and have a wonderful day!

HI @anonymous343

Under Resourse Center:
Under Showcase
Account Receivable Reconcilation power bi file

There is an A/R reconcilation report within the showcase on the EDNA Learning portal that you can download and review the calculations that might help you with your issue.

You can also use Mentor to help with your issues too. Have you tried using it?

Good luck

Hello Keith,

Yes, I used both the resources that you have mentioned before submitting my query but couldn’t resolve.
