Receipts Conciliation

Hello you all
Just wanted to know if there is any video or showcase, to reconcile receipts. I mean, from one side i have the invoice number and the value, and from the other side i have the receipt, the invoice it’s paying and the value.
I also have an excel file that shows me all the receipts by client and value. I want to check if my pbi file is doing it correctly.
I did a group by receipt number and value, from my pbi file. Did also a group by for the excel file and merge them both. Then i add a column for the difference of values.
Do you guys have any better experience on this matter?
Thanks a lot guys

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Good morning everyone
I’m attaching 2 files:
Main Data, is the file that i have in my power bi file that shows what i have received. And the second file, Received, is a file that “they” sent me just to check if my pbi file has the same information.Main Data.xlsx (89.3 KB)
Received.xlsx (32.2 KB)

I want to see which receipts are not conciliated with Main Data, which don’t exists in main data and the totals for all this.

I’m sending you guys these 2 files just to hear your opinion on the best approach to achieve this and maybe you’re seen some video about it (i haven’t found yet).

Thanks to you all

HI @pedroccamara,

Thank you for posting your question. Unfortunately, I have just seen your query. I am wondering if you already got solution from somewhere else? if not, please let me know and I can start digging for you to provide the solution. Cheers!!

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Hello @pedroccamara

The Main Data.xlsx file looks to be Master Data File whereas, Received.xlsx is a subset.

You can map Nº Cliente in Received.xlsx to Receipt# in Main Data.xlsx. This would require some transformation in the fields, however, then you can easily organize the data to show which document donot appear in Received.xlsx.


I hope this answers your query.

Kumail Raza

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Hi @pedroccamara

The data is transformed, modeled, mapped, and visualized between the 2 files.

The file is attached for your quick reference.

Kumail RazaMasterReceivedDataMapping.pbix (148.7 KB)


Thank you so much guys. What a great help you gave me!!
Thank you so much