RANKX with subset level

Hi All,
I got a bit confused doing the RANKX formula and couldnt figure out the issue. If you see the screen shot the formula is correct but at the category level the ranking is wrong. Bikes should be number 1, Accessories number 2 and Clothing number 3. The sub category rankings are correct.
How can I resolve the category ranking correctly.

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@chris786, do you have a visual-level filter on that table? Your DAX appears correct to me.

Team, I found the solution.
There was a video done by Harsh that helped exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks Harsh & Enterprise DNA team.
Here is the link for anyone else looking for the solution:

Great for founding the solution and sharing with the community. Please mark this post as Resolved.

Ankit J

Thanks for sharing this I’ll check it out. What was the issue?

For what it’s worth, when I use the measure you shared with a similar dataset I get the desired results:


Hi, no there is no visual level filter, but anyways found the solution.
