Rank removing filter

Hi all,

I created a ranking measure (Supplies Item Value Overall Rank) for items bought based on total value which shows ranking regardless item chosen.
I need though to create a ranking measure that provides the same results as above even when a supplier is selected from the Supplier slicer. I don’t get how to exclude Supplier from ranking.

Could someone pls explain the logic behind that?

Thank you!
Sample Report v4 2021_06_21.pbix (25.5 MB)

@Thimios ,

The easiest way to handle this is just to turn off the interaction between your Supplier slicer and your table with Supply Item Value Overall Rank.

  • Brian

Thanks for looking into that @BrianJ but changing the way these two interact will not filter the chosen Supplier’s items which is the outcome needed here.

@Thimios ,

Can you please provide a mockup of a desired sample result , so that I can validate that the revised solution I provide is what you’re looking for?


– Brian

Hi @BrianJ,

The following are items of SUPPLIER01. First is desired outcome, second is current.


@Thimios ,

This should do the trick. Just wrapped your measure in a CALCULATE statement to remove the filter on Supplier.

Supplies Item Value Overall Rank =
    IF (
        ISFILTERED ( Supplies[Description] ),
        RANKX (
            ALL ( 'Supplies'[Description] ),
            [Supplies Gross Value],
        BLANK ()
    REMOVEFILTERS ( Supplies[Supplier] )

  • Brian
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Complex thinking gets you nowhere…
Thank you @BrianJ for showing me that.

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@Thimios ,

:grin: - glad I was able to help.

  • Brian