Python in Power Bi - Text analytics Dashbaord

Hi Experts,

I am working on the dashboard in implement python in power for text analytics.
I have done the following using iPhone_NLP Data.

  1. Sentiment Analysis
  2. Topic Modelling.

Now, i want to create nGrams, bi gram words and tri gram words. that is from the iPhone(2) data. how can i include them in the main iPhone_NLP table or if iPhone(2) table is separate how do i connect with it because when bi gram words comes it removes all the other columns. i want to model it so that i can put some filters and whole analysis can make more sense for text data.

i have attached power bi file and the data file for reference.
iphone.csv (1.3 MB)
iPhone_Analysis_Review.pbix (2.3 MB)

Did you try using DataMentor? using Projects “Solutions” will be able to help you

Hi Keith,

i have not tired that, can you please help me to navigate to that page.
Appreciate your assistance.

Hi @EnanBahadur

the information is on the Edna Dashboard of the Learning platform.

You can also click on the Data Mentor at the bottom of the “Get help from Data Mentor”


hi @EnanBahadur
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