Projecting Length of Service Milestones for Next Calendar Year

Currently I am able to look at length of service milestones through calculated column in attached .pbix file (LOS Flag (31 Days). What I would like to achieve is to be able to flag all milestones that are due to occur in the next calendar year. I had hoped that I could use DATESBETWEEN to achieve this but the calculated column that I have come up with outputs a Date Dierarchy rather than the calculated column that I had hoped for and was looking to see if anyone on the forum could provide some guidance as to the path that I should be looking to go down to achieve this.

File includes the current state of play and what I’d like to achieve. I’ve set up a couple of milestones, 1 year and 5 year service, but will expans these out to match those that are celebrated in my org.

Enterprise DNA - Length of Service.pbix (289.2 KB)

Was able to achieve this through creating 6 custom columns in Query Editor for each of the LOS milestones. There is probably a smarter way to achieve this - ideally, and I’m sure it’s possible, to have each of the milestones in one column.
