The user would like to see a status bar based on the job number start and end duration.
he wants to see the job number based on the start date and order ship date. He wants to monitor whether a particular task for that job was completed Mfg File.xlsx (17.3 KB)
on the clock-in date.
Please can you help how to create a status bar based on Detailed Visual: List of all live Harnesses currently ‘in work’ i.e. logged onto that day.
To be shown as a progress bar. With a differentiation for each process step. And time gap between processes.
Also if we can elaborate on working hours between 8 till 4.30pm
Your issue is unclear and the included Excel file contains many columns, of which I’m guessing only a few of are interest (e.g., clock in, clock out, etc.). I don’t see anything labelled “Detailed Visual”.
(As an aside, I’m not aware of any standard visual in Power BI that can create such a detailed progress bar, however Deneb can do just about anything; as Deneb is fully customizable, it is necessary to be complete and exhaustive to fully describe the desired visual.)
To help us further analyze your current state and visualize your issue, could you please provide as many as you can of:
Your work-in-progress PBIX file, using sanitized data if necessary