Why Quantity sold LY same day option 1 is working and option2 not . Option 2 is showing 216 for all rows.
Please suggest
Reference PowerBI File Name : Ultimate Beginners Guide to DAX examples.pbix
//option 1
[Total Quantity Sold],
Dates[Date]=MIN(Dates[Date])-365 )
Hi HarsimranjeetSinh,
Try the Second option again but remove the Filter(All (Date[Date]), try this formula
[Total Quantity Sold], DATEADD (Date[Date], -1, YEAR))
By using All in the formula, it will remove all filters and it will compare it with the very first year, ignoring the initial context.
Hope this helps.
All removing all filters makes sense.
can you please explain comparing it with very first year and ignoring initial context
Just for example if the Date cell is 01/01/2016 than what range it take.
as its returning 216 as value for each row and its confusing me what range it is considering.
I tried reading that couple of times but i’m not able to correlate how 216 is coming.
Can you please elaborate same.
I tried evaluating expression in dax studio but its giving me 2017 year from the filter table
Ok that make sense. I’ve check Date table its been constructed from 01/01/2015 to 12/29/2017.
so 216 are for rows of sales onward 12/30/2017.
But one thing i’m left uncleared is how come below line of code using that date range
Dates[Date]=DATEADD(Dates[Date],-1,YEAR )
Also correct me if i’m wrong w.r.t below expression Left part is value is value of Table generated by ALL(DATE) and right part MIN(Dates[Date])-365 is value of cell value used in visual.
The main issue in my eyes is that you’re using the DATEADD function incorrectly. I would really recommend watching the video because you don’t need to place the DATEADD function within a FILTER function and I wouldn’t recommend it.
This is a time intelligence function which can be simply placed as a parameter in the CALCULATE function.