Problem of the Week #5 (DAX) - Dynamic Last N Weeks Trend

Hi all,

Here is my submission to the problem :

POTW - 5 - JBocher.pbix (437.3 KB)


@JBocher Really nice to see that you are jumping on solving these challenges. It will certainly help you in improving your DAX & PQ skills. It is always a great idea to look at different solutions provided by the participants & it is really interesting to see how different people solve the same problem with different methods.

Really great work with the solution. You can make the solution more dynamic by adding MAX(‘COVID Data’[Date]) or something else to make it dynamic instead of hard coding the Date as DATE( 2021,1,11 ) so the last date would be dynamically set in the DAX code.

Hope to see your entries in EDNA report challenges also.

Love the eDNA sticker