Premiership Football API

Hi All,

I would like to use the api for the webpage “Footy Stats” to build a power BI report of the English premiership (sounds simple enough I know).

I have had a number off issues with retrieving the data via the API despite there being a number of articles per below link. I can use the free key to connect but it does not bring any football related info back

It would be great if there is a fellow PBI developer out there who would like to “buddy up” on this project – Hopefully, who also has a bit more experience with API’s. Genuinely think it would be fun as well as insightful. Let me know and we could reach out offline.


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Yeah, that sounds like a fun project! I’d be interested in helping. Is it returning any information or is it giving you an error code? Or maybe I should ask, what information are you trying to return for example?

I made a quick template file that should only require you to enter your API Key and returns the top assists, top clean sheets, and top scorers tables.

Premiership Football API.pbit (3.0 MB)

The API works by combining the base ( the resource (league-season) followed by your API Key (?key=your_api_key) and the season id (&season_id=4759). Combined it would look something like:

Just make sure you change out “your_api_key” for your actual API Key haha.

Hey Brad - That sounds great and thank you for the initial work you have done. I am not having so much success with the API per below. I’ve dropped you a linkedIn - I thought it would be easier to explain idea there (once i get API working)

The API is strange - Here are my steps

-Click convert into table

  • Click Close and apply
  • The data does not feed

It does not look to be the Key as i used that to refresh your PBIX file and this worked great

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Hello @Hitman

Once you convert it to table, you might see expand option. Click on that to expand rows. If this option still come, do it again till the level of granularity you are looking to see.

Hope this helps you.

Kumail raza

Note: The image used is just an example and not related to footystats API.


That’s perfect, it is successfully connecting which is what we want. Now, in that third row next to “data” you’ll see a yellow Record. All you got to do is click on the word Record itself it will drill down and return the data (you can also right click and select Drill Down):


And there’s the results:


This is cool, would be great to see how you guys get on with this.