PQ Difference between two tables

Hi All,

I have been inspired by the video from Melissa which compares two tables and produces a table with the differences. I have been trying to implement this at work however I only want to see the variance of the changed amount and any new or missing amounts

For example,
Last month value for “Mobile” was 150 and this month is 200. The query will give the answer 200 however I would like to see just the variance for “Mobile” of 50.

Any ideas how to achieve this?

This is the result I would like:

This is a very simple example, at work this file is 50,000 lines long.

Thanks in advance and file is attached
CompareCurrentMthPriorMth.pbix (27.7 KB)

Hi @KimC,

See what works best for you, a LeftOuterJoin on the Source

    Source = Table.NestedJoin(CurrentMth, {"Country", "Customer", "Customer ID", "FiscalYrMth"}, PriorMth, {"Country", "Customer", "Customer ID", "FiscalYrMth"}, "Change", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    ReplaceValues = Table.ReplaceValue(Source, each [Change], each if [Change]{0}[Amount] = null then [Amount] else [Amount] - [Change]{0}[Amount],Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Change"}),
    SelectRows = Table.SelectRows(ReplaceValues, each ([Change] <> 0))

or a LeftOuterJoin on the Result (I expect this one but let me know, thanks)

    Source = CompareMths,
    LeftOuterJoin = Table.NestedJoin(Source, {"Country", "Customer", "Customer ID", "FiscalYrMth"}, PriorMth, {"Country", "Customer", "Customer ID", "FiscalYrMth"}, "Change", JoinKind.LeftOuter),
    ReplaceValues = Table.ReplaceValue(LeftOuterJoin, each [Change], each if [Change]{0}[Amount] = null then [Amount] else [Amount] - [Change]{0}[Amount],Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"Change"})

Just a quick note as your sample only had one possible matching row, this method works but if you could have multiple matching rows you’ll need a different approach…

I hope this is helpful

@Melissa, i have only one word…“Amazing”

Both solutions work on this dataset. I will now go check it out on my work data. Thank you so much :pray: :pray: :pray:

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Hello @KimC! It’s great to know that you are making progress with your query :slight_smile:

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