PowerBIServiceAccount powershell command is not working

Hi Team,

I am new to Power Shell and I wanted to automate certain tasks of Power BI. However, I am unable to connect and always receive following error:

I have installed PowerBIManagment module and it has PowerBIserviceConnect module, but somehow it is not working.

Anyone experienced similar issue? Really looking forward to get some solution of this problem.

@michaelreddy2019 ,

I don’t know the answer to your question, but am sending up the bat signal to @samaguire , who is extremely knowledgeable about PowerShell and I’m confident will know how to resolve this.

  • Brian
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Hi @BrianJ ,

Thank you so much for tagging @samaguire.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @michaelreddy2019

Try Connect-PowerBIServiceAccount without any additional parameters

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Lol. Signal received.

I’ve had issues the last couple of days. Same error.

I think it’s at the MS end. But I did also update to the latest version of the modules, so could be that.

I’m back at work in a acouple of days, so will dig into this a bit more myself and report back.

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@jbressan and @samaguire ,

Thanks so much for the quick responses.

@michaelreddy2019 - you’re in excellent hands here…I’ll be interested to see as well whether the problem is at your end or at Microsoft’s.

  • Brian
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Thank you @BrianJ @jbressan , @samaguire for your support. I have tried to run without any parameter and got same issue.

I also believe that it is related to MS issue. But would love to see how @samaguire solves it.

Kind Regards,

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Hi @michaelreddy2019 i just run this power shell script and is running for me, but you are not the only one with this error.

Hi @jbressan ,

Thank you so much. I googled before posting but could not find any clue and it was my first time with Power shell, so I thought I might be missing something. I was just about to check .Net & Powershell version etc :slight_smile: and you saved a lot of my time.

It might be issue of some upgrade. Do you know if we can downgrade MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt to test?

Kind Regards,

Hi @michaelreddy2019

Uninstall-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt
Install-Module -Name MicrosoftPowerBIMgmt -RequiredVersion X.X.X

Pick your version here:

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HI @jbressan ,

Thank you so much for your support. I followed these steps and tried different versions but got same error. I believe it is an issue where tenants might be in Germany cloud for MS power BI.

Hi @michaelreddy2019

Check this video and be ready when everything is working fine.


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Hi @jbressan ,

This is brilliant. Thank you so much!! Anxiously waiting now for the resolution of this issue from Power BI side, so I can start my work.


Hi @jbressan ,

As you pointed out, I was not only one and this issue was related to MS. Today, I checked and I am able to connect to Power BI service using Powershell. Thanks heaps for your support.

Kind Regards,

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Seems to have been a MS issue - I’m able to login now myself. No changes in my environment.